Farmer-Proven Autosteer To Be Presented To Norwegian Farmers At Agrovisjon


Kristian Vinningland is a 7th-generation Norwegian grass farmer who manages a total of 82 acres of farmland, 25 of which are devoted to pasture and he's been using the FJD Autosteering Kit since 2021.

(Are Line, grass farmer, FJDynamics Auto Steer user, and customer support & troubleshooting specialist at Agri Produckter on the left. Kristian Vinningland, grass farmer and the founder of Agri Produckter on the right)

What did Kristian say about the FJD Autosteering Kit after the first task?

"The first task I tried the FJD Autosteering Kit was lining up grass. After going into the task for a bit, the improvement in efficiency was much better than expected. The system took care of perfect steering and made no overlaps. I was able to operate my tractor with more ease and I had more time to manage the equipment," says Kristian Vinningland.


Why did Kristian decide to choose FJD Autosteering Kit?

"In 2011, I bought a track follower system and discovered huge improvements in fertilizer-saving and time-saving. It was like getting a pair of glasses on my eyes. It helped especially when I was driving in rocky areas. I did not think auto steering was needed back then. But when the fertilizer became expensive, the need for auto steering arose for a grass farmer like me. And to be clear: track followers do not make good straight lines."

"After looking for a system for a while, I became aware of FJD Autosteering Kit. It meets all of my demands and even more. It works with all the systems: NTIRP, SBAS, and base stations, among many other things. It also compensates for tough terrains, which is important in Norway — because it has many rocky areas. U-turn technology is in everybody's interest. Streaming data and upgrading via 4G make it easy to use. And the price of the system makes it possible to get my investment back sooner than competitive products on the market."


Kristian and Are Line to introduce FJD Autosteering Kit at Agrovisjon 2022

Besides farming, Kristian has also been in charge of Agri Produkter, an agricultural cooperative he founded back in the fall of 2015. His role as a grass farmer gives him the edge that the products he develops and sells are based on insights, farmer-proven, and Kristian-proven.

To be sure that the product's quality, ease of use, and user support are true to what everyone has been saying about it, Kristian has been testing the autosteer since the spring of 2022 together with several local farmers. Are Line, one of the grass farmers who's on board with the initiative, has been using the autosteer system for two seasons and he's tasked with customer support and troubleshooting.

From November 4th to 6th, Kristian and Are Line will be sharing their user experience at booth J-6730 at Agrovisjon 2022 in Stavanger, meeting professionals within the agricultural sector and talking about the newest trends. You can follow Kristian and Are Line during the show as they'll keep everyone updated on the website and Facebook page.



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